
Congratulations on your admission!

Dear Keng-Yen Chiang:

Congratulations! You have been recommended for admission to the Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics Graduate program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. You will be contacted by the UW-Madison Graduate School to verify this admission. International students must provide evidence of financial resources before the Graduate School will finalize admission. Once the Graduate School has received the necessary information, they will admit you and send you the I-9 form needed for your visa.

The Timetable of classes for Fall is available to look at in the student center of your MyUW. The Registrar's Office will send you an e-mail with the exact date and time you can register. You will be able to enroll any time after that.

We are happy that you are considering UW-Madison to continue your academic career. Please let me know if you are able to accept our admission offer and will be joining us in Fall 2010.

Betsy Wood
Graduate Student Coordinator

呃  現在才來 @@|||

不過看到還是很高興  :)


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