
Dear Mr. Chiang,
On behalf of the MIT Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, I am pleased to inform you that your application for admission to the doctoral program in NSE has been approved for the semester beginning September 2010.    Regarding financial support, Dr. Lin-Wen Hu, from the Nuclear Reactor Laboratory, will be giving you a research assistantship.   This support will provide full tuition, single student extended health insurance, and a monthly stipend for the period September 1, 2010 through August 31, 2011.  Aid is renewable based on satisfactory academic performance and the availability of funding. A detailed letter will be sent to you via DHL carrier.
Congratulations on your admission with support from Dr. Hu.
For the NSE admissions committee,
Clare Egan
NSE Academic Administrator, MIT
April 1, 2010

March 29, 2010

Mr. Keng-Yen Chiang
No.27, Da-an Street,

MIT ID# 927720879

Dear Mr. Chiang:

I write to confirm your admission to graduate study in the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering for the term starting September 2010. Let me add my congratulations on this recognition of your academic accomplishments and professional promise.

The Admitted Student Planning and Forms website, which includes the Graduate Admissions Reply form, is located at The website answers general questions related to enrollment.

Please return The Reply Form via surface mail before April 15. If you need additional time or if you wish to defer your admission, you will need to contact your department to discuss your options. Also, you might want to complete and submit the Housing Application Form for Graduate Students, the Graduate Loan Form and the Medical Report Form, due six weeks prior to registration.

Our office stands ready to serve you in any way we can, though your department is always your best resource to answer questions about graduate study in your technical area as well as about registration.

We hope you will decide to continue your studies at MIT and look forward to meeting you in September.


Stuart Schmill
Dean of Admssions



登登~~有沒有被嚇到阿 (技倆被識破了 XD)

哈哈 偷遠端一下還蠻好玩的 XDD

恭喜老爺 賀喜夫人




如同你同學形容你的: " 神鬼庚晏~!! "  XDD

去美國MIT也繼續神鬼下去吧 XDD

啊....我好像該睡了 XDD

晚安~~ :)

我打開信箱裡 MIT 錄取信的時候
老弟正好坐在我旁邊 :)
兩個人張大了眼睛和嘴巴看著那封信...incredibly great!!!


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