終於等到了這一刻 !

今天寫完碩士論文的 Acknowledgements 部分的時候心裡說不出的輕鬆 <( ̄︶ ̄)>

往回看  我花了好多心力才到了這裡念書
在這裡 又花了更多心力才撐到了現在


這篇也有提到籃球 體育館
嗯哼 還有我兄弟也照慣例的 又上榜了XD

(複製貼上的英文排版可能會有點亂 orz...  )

First and foremost I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Lin-wen Hu, who has supported and guided me throughout my thesis with her patience and knowledge, as well as offering me fantastic opportunity to work with senior researchers in Argonne National Laboratory.  I am also indebted to the many previous and current contributors to the MITR LEU project for providing the preliminary analyses, system measurement data and relevant document, guiding me on the right track all over my research.  Dr. Sung Joong Kim, Dr. Erik Wilson, Dr. Floyd Dunn, Dr. Thomas Newton, and Prof. Benoit Forget have fascinated me with not only their broad knowledge in nuclear science and engineering, but also their sense of humor and blissful smiles.  In many ways I have learnt how to make life easier and happier in MIT; thanks to their encouragement.

Thanks also go to the MIT Chapel and Zesiger Sports&Fitness Center, the places where I always get a warm feeling, making me smile.  I experienced peace and serenity of mind whenever having silence meditation with the Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi in the Chapel.  The feeling of happiness also comes to me every time when running and laughing on the basketball court with friends.  Special thanks to the staff (a cool black guy) at Z-Center: I appreciate your friendly smile and a “Yo, what’s up brother” every time we met.  Every of these brightened my life at MIT, thank you.

I have been blessed with my family in Taiwan and California, unconditionally supporting me went through the tough times.  Thanks to my dear family, especially my younger brother Hsiao-Cheng --- words cannot describe the feeling of identifying the big package sent from Taiwan amid stacking boxes from elsewhere when I was standing at the front desk.  Thanks to the monthly food boxes sent from California by Louie family: They never realized I immediately finished four packs of Taiwanese sticky rice after I received their box.   

Finally, thanks to everything, either making me laugh or mad, that I have in MIT.  It’s an unforgettable journey that I would cherish for the rest of my life.  


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    海為龍世界, 雲是鶴故鄉

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